Thursday, 1 September 2016

You're different.

You're intimidated. You're confused. You're impatient and furious as you see others more sorted. You see them rising, moving towards their goals while you sit and wonder, what exactly yours is. You feel left behind, tied with your past or stuck at a road block, not knowing left from right. It's here that you need to tell yourself that either way is fine, coz its you who will define that path and it's you who'll make it right. Tell yourself that your time will come, that this is the silence before the storm and pump your fist and move ahead, let no one else deter you. Yes it's hazy now but tomorrow will be clearer. Just ask yourself to keep moving and know that those that you envy, once stood at this juncture. You're full of hope, you're an optimist. You're writing for yourself, a beautiful unique story full of suspense. You're the master of your own fate only held behind by you. You, my friend, are different. Those like you are few. :)

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An influential intellectual will shatter your existing illusion and leave you with another. Beware.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

You're different.

You're intimidated. You're confused. You're impatient and furious as you see others more sorted. You see them rising, moving towards their goals while you sit and wonder, what exactly yours is. You feel left behind, tied with your past or stuck at a road block, not knowing left from right. It's here that you need to tell yourself that either way is fine, coz its you who will define that path and it's you who'll make it right. Tell yourself that your time will come, that this is the silence before the storm and pump your fist and move ahead, let no one else deter you. Yes it's hazy now but tomorrow will be clearer. Just ask yourself to keep moving and know that those that you envy, once stood at this juncture. You're full of hope, you're an optimist. You're writing for yourself, a beautiful unique story full of suspense. You're the master of your own fate only held behind by you. You, my friend, are different. Those like you are few. :)

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